All about Wine When,Where, How.... Welcome to our blog... the place to come for the "what where and how" of our favourite wines. Wine is not just a drink, it's an experience - each week we'll tell you how we experience our wines; where we go, what music we listen to, which people we drink with.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Michel Rolland Collection

Rolland Collection Wine Session at BuBar

WHEN ? 13th December 2012

WHERE ? BU Bar, 25 rue du pas St Georges – Bordeaux

WHAT ? Dany and Michel Rolland's wines, from France, Spain and Argentina

- Château La Grande Clotte, Bordeaux Blanc, France, 2009
- Château Bertineau Saint Vincent, Lalande de Pomerol, France, 2009
- Château Fontenil, Fronsac, 2007
- Remhoogte, South Africa, 2006
- Mariflor Malbec, Argentina, 2010
- Campo Alegre, Spain, 2009

During the tasting we had the opportunity to have a nice discussion with Virginie and Dany Rolland and share our points of views on the wines.

All the wines we tasted were impressive, but one specially got our attention, Campo Alegre 2009.
One of our team mates shares her tasting comments in video.

do not forget to stop the music before starting the video ;)

A touch of Poetry 

Because wine and art get on very well, Bu Bar is hosting some wonderful photographies from Eric Bouloumié. Eric's work is really minimalist and deep, most of the pictures are in black and white. 
Check out for more on or pass by the Bu Bar, the show goes on until February 28th 2013. 

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