All about Wine When,Where, How.... Welcome to our blog... the place to come for the "what where and how" of our favourite wines. Wine is not just a drink, it's an experience - each week we'll tell you how we experience our wines; where we go, what music we listen to, which people we drink with.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

A Winter Evening



It’s almost cold enough to snow here in Bordeaux, so instead of venturing out to a wine bar, this week the IFeelWine team stayed warm and dry inside and decided to make a tapas and wine evening of their own.


“Liquorice allsorts”!! 

We tried to use up everything lying around in our fridges left over from the previous week – 

Some ideas for you/what we made:

Artichoke & Parmesan dip - 
All you need is tinned artichokes, a decent bit of parmesan cheese, olive and Voila! Mix it all together with an electric mixer and it's ready to eat with some crusty fresh bread.

Spicy Tomato Swirls
Roll out pastry, some tomato sauce, a little pinch of flaked chilli and you're away! Spread tomato on the pastry like a pizza base and roll both ends inward until touching. Cut into smaller strips and bung in the oven until crisp.

We also made Samosas with a variety of fillings & to finish, mini hazelnut & praline muffins

All of this delicious food needed some pretty exotic wine pairing. Each person brought a bottle and we selected our favourites:

Number 1 :

    • "Ardales" - an organic wine made from 100% Airén, a common grape variety of Spain.
    • The first thing you notice about this wine is it's clean scent - very citrus dominant with herbaceous/nettle hints. The taste is citrusy too with some added tropical notes.

Number 2 :

A crazy little red from Austria, made from a grape variety called "Zweigelt", name after its creator (from a crossing of St. Laurent & Blaufränkisch grapes), Fritz Zweigelt.

The vines are grown at Altitude which gives the wine an amazing mint quality in addition to classic warm red fruits.

We found this a brilliant way to wind down after a busy working week  - have look in your fridge and tell us what you could make!

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